Wearing orthodontic silicone trainer

Do you have crooked teeth but are not ready to become a #braceface? You don’t need to worry about that anymore.  Invisalign plastic aligners offer “clear” alternative to traditional metal braces.  It really is a no-brainer for people that want straight but don’t want those types of braces in Scottsdale.  Invisalign tooth aligners gently move teeth into their new positions without many of the inconveniences metal brace-wearers experience. Invisalign aligners offer number of advantages over traditional metal braces.  Wondering what those benefits of Invisalign braces in Scottsdale might be? Read on to find five unexpected pros about Invisalign.

#1 Benefit of Invisalign. Perfect for Professionals

travel, business trip, people and technology concept - happy you

More and more adults are treating themselves to straight teeth with braces. But while the end results are great, you might worry that flashing metal braces at your age will damage your image as an intelligent, experienced professional. Because Invisalign trays are clear, they are practically invisible, which makes it possible to straighten your teeth without drawing unwanted attention to youthful metal braces.

#2. You Don’t Have to Give Up Your Favorite Foods

Colorful chewy gummy candy junk food

Invisalign braces are removed at mealtimes, so you don’t have to give up the crunchy, chewy, or sharp foods that can damage metal braces. This means that gummy candies, caramels, and whole apples and carrots are still on the menu, although you should only occasionally indulge in sugary treats.

#3 Benefit of Invisalign. Cleaning Your Teeth is Simple

Man Flossing His Teeth With Dental Floss

You can also remove your Invisalign trays when you clean your teeth, which makes brushing and flossing a snap. When you practice good oral hygiene habits, you won’t need to worry about plaque buildup or tooth staining, and you’ll be able to easily access all areas of your teeth and mouth.

#4. Invisalign Works on a Wide Variety of Tooth Straightening Issues

Overcrowding Of The Teeth

Invisalign trays are just as effective as metal braces at straightening and aligning teeth and can be used alone or in conjunction with metal braces to correct issues such as crowding, spacing, crossbite, overbite, and underbite. An experienced Invisalign orthodontist will be able to give you the best of all worlds in this regard. A trained Scottsdale orthodontist experienced in using Invisalign can get great results from the product, whether it is used on its own or with metal braces to complete the job.

#5 Benefit of Invisalign. So, So Comfortable

Sporty Woman Stretching Arms And Relaxing

The smooth plastic of the Invisalign trays is comfortable in the mouth. There are no wires or brackets to irritate your cheeks and gums. Should you do multiple consultations for Invisalign? It’s probably not necessary. Talk to your orthodontist right away about any sharp edges you might encounter on the trays. They will help you smooth them away.

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